# Dashboard and Metrics

The CountUp dashboard is designed to give you a complete overview of your website’s performance—all from a single page. Unlike tools like Google Analytics that spread reports across multiple pages, CountUp brings all your key data into one simple, intuitive dashboard.

A key feature of the dashboard is its interactivity: you can click on data points to instantly apply filters, which automatically update all the metrics and data you see. This means that every chart, list, and figure on the dashboard will always reflect the filters and date range you’ve selected. Whether you’re narrowing down by a specific time period or focusing on a particular segment of traffic, the entire dashboard adapts in real time to show data relevant to your selections.

# Filters

You can set filters simply by clicking on elements, for example in the breakdown reports (like Sources, Behavior, Location, etc.). The applied filters will appear on top of the dashboard, and you can remove a filter by clicking on it.

Multiple filters will be combined using AND logic, meaning that only data matching all applied filters will be displayed.

For example, if you filter by a specific Source and a particular Location, you will only see data for visitors from that source and location. To refine your analysis further, you can combine multiple filters across different breakdown reports.

If you need to clear all filters, there is an option to reset the dashboard to its default view by clicking on the Reset Filters button.

# Date Range

You can select a date range using the date picker on the top-right corner of the dashboard. The date range determines the period for which the data is displayed.

You can either select a pre-defined date range from the list, or an individual date range using the calendar.

# Website KPIs

The Website KPIs section provides a summary of the most important metrics. Each metric shows the value for the selected period, along with a comparison indicator to the previous period.

This comparison period is the exact same before the selected period. For example: If you selected "Last 7 Days" the values will be compared to the seven days before the last seven days.

The rest of this section will explain the metrics in more detail.

# Unique Visitors

This is the number of distinct users who visited your website at least once during the selected period. Each visitor is counted once, even if they visit multiple times within the period.

# Total Pageviews

The total number of pages viewed by all your visitors. If the same visitor views the same page multiple times, each view will be counted as a separate pageview.

You can learn more about how we track page views here.

# Total Sessions

The total number of sessions for all your visitors. One visitor can have multiple sessions. A session is a series of consecutive interactions or events within a 30-minute window. If a user is inactive for 30 minutes or more, the next interaction will trigger a new session.

# Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate represents the percentage of visitors who left your website after viewing only one page without interacting further. It helps gauge user engagement and can indicate whether your content is meeting their expectations.

A high bounce rate could mean users aren't finding what they need, or the content isn’t engaging enough to prompt further interaction.

# Average Session Duration

This metric shows the average amount of time visitors spend on your site per session. It’s calculated by dividing the total time spent on the site by the number of sessions. The session duration is measured from the first event to the last event of a session.

A higher average session duration suggests visitors are engaging with your content longer, while a lower duration may indicate a lack of interest or poor user experience.

# Live Visitors

The Live Visitors metric shows the number of active visitors currently browsing your site. These are visitors who have triggered at least one event (including pageviews) within the last 5 minutes. This number automatically refreshes every 60 seconds, so you can see real-time data without needing to reload the page.

# Timeseries Chart

The Timeseries Chart shows the number of visitors over time. The x-axis represents the time (e.g., days), and the y-axis shows the metric count. The chart provides a visual representation of traffic patterns and helps spot peaks or drops in activity.

The interval of the time axis will change automatcially according to the size of the period you have selected. For example if you selected "Last 7 days", the interval will be days, whereas if you select "Last 12 months" the interval will be in months.

# Breakdown Reports

# Sources

The Sources section shows where your traffic is coming from, such as search engines (e.g., Google, Bing), social media platforms, or direct visits. This data helps you understand which channels are driving the most traffic and allows you to optimize your marketing strategies accordingly.

# Behavior

The Behavior section lists the most visited pages on your site, showing which content resonates the most with your visitors. You can view the number of visitors each page received during the selected period.

# Location

The Location report breaks down visitor data by Country, Region, and City. It helps you understand where your audience is geographically located and can inform localization strategies or regional marketing efforts.

# Devices

The Devices section shows which types of devices your visitors are using (e.g., Desktop, Mobile, Tablet). This information is useful for optimizing your website’s performance across different platforms to ensure a seamless user experience regardless of the device.